The totem of undying is now ready to use. It is dropped by evokers, which spawn in woodland mansions and raids. Now when you return to the game, you should see your character holding the totem of undying in your left hand. A totem of undying is an uncommon combat item that can save holders from death. Move the totem of undying from your inventory to the off-hand box. In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the 5th box has a picture of a shield. When the inventory opens, you should see boxes that display the armor items that you are wearing and a 5th box that displays the item you are currently holding in your other hand. For Education Edition, press the E key to open your inventory.Ģ.For Windows 10 Edition, press the E key to open the inventory menu.For Nintendo Switch, press the X button to open your inventory.For Wii U, press the X button to open your inventory. Are you struggling to find reliable Minecraft players who are experienced with the totem of undying Look no further Our team of qualified experts are.They’re pretty straightforward to use equip one in your offhand slot when you’re heading into a dangerous situation, and if you receive fatal damage then it’ll spring into action.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use a totem of undying in your off-hand just like a shield. To use a totem of undying, you need to hold it in one of your hands. 1 Totem of Undying Steps to Put on Totem of Undying 1.