We’re running a Kickstarter Campaign to fund a professional-quality animated special, and the more we raise, the more of this story we can tell We’re so excited to bring Vox Machina to life in the world of animation with your. A big thank you to the Critical Role team for reaching out and let us ask some questions about their upcoming cartoon, “The Legend of Vox Machina”, and to Matt Klein for contributing questions. HELP US ANIMATE VOX MACHINA: It’s here The animated intro of THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA. Executive producers Sam Riegel and Travis Willingham were kind enough to talk with us.

Be sure to check out their Kickstarter campaign, which is closing in on $7 million. Where were you both when the campaign hit its goal, and what was your first reaction to the news? There was an incredible outpour of support from the Critters (Critical Role fans) when the campaign launched. A number of cast members were absent during episode 12, and so Mercer ran a Dungeon Master workshop rather than a session with Vox Machina. SAM RIEGEL: I was traveling the day the Kickstarter launched, on a multi-leg flight home. It was surreal because while everyone else was watching the numbers in real time, I had these long periods in the air where I wouldn’t know what was happening. Every time I landed and checked my phone, I would stand there in disbelief, in the middle of a busy terminal, floored by the response and the number of backers we were seeing. It’s only been a week, and I still can’t believe it’s real. 33K 911K views 1 year ago NYCC IGN Based on the beloved characters and adventures of Critical Role's first live-streamed tabletop role-playing game (RPG) campaign, The Legend of Vox Machina. TRAVIS WILLINGHAM: That Monday was a complete train wreck of a day. Laura and I were busy trying to get ready for our recording sessions, while keeping an eye on our 8 month old. Needless to say, after the first 15 minutes of the campaign going live – we knew we were going to be insanely late.

In Legends of Vox Machina the Critical Role Animated show their i. We hadn’t showered or dressed, and just stood there squeezing our son in disbelief – trying to comprehend what we were seeing. In this video I found ALL Easter Eggs and References in Legend of Vox Machina Episodes 1-3. We were not expecting this brand of humor and action in this fun and quirky Amazon Prime Vide. Several calls were made into the office simply asking if Kickstarter might just be “broken”. What a show Join us as we check out The Legend of Vox Machina. What we thought might happen in the span of a month or so, was happening in a matter of hours.